

I'm Jane Solomon, a lexicographer and emoji expert based in Oakland, California. I spend my days working on various projects related to words and emoji. I’m currently the Senior Emoji Lexicographer at Emojipedia and I’m on the Word Panel of the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

I was at Dictionary.com from 2013–2019, and I’ve also worked for Macmillan, Oxford, Cambridge, HarperCollins, Scholastic, Thinkmap, and K Dictionaries. I'm on the Unicode Emoji Subcommittee, the group that decides what new emoji will pop up on our devices. I’m the author of the children’s book The Dictionary of Difficult Words.


Emoji Art

🌈🌞 Emoji Sky 🌚💫, an emoji sky generator made on Glitch

🍃Emoji Influencer 🍃💁🏻‍♀️🌿🍃, an Insta influencer who leads a fabulous life and just happens to be an emoji